Company Information

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  2. Company Information


Company Name GAORA Inc.
Channel Logotype GAORA SPORTS
SHOPPING Logotype SHOPPING Logotype : GAORA online shop
Broadcast program Sports:
Japanese Professional Baseball Games, Various Nationwide Selected Amateur Baseball Tournament, American Football, Tennis Tournaments( ATP ), Professional Fighting and other sports like Golf, Volleyball, Skate etc.

Kansai Comedy Entertainment:
Yoshimoto Comedy Company and other Kansai Companies.
Representative President Seiji Takeda
Capital 10 million Yen
Founded December 1, 1989
Business Outline ■ Basic Satellite Broadcasting Station and Private Satellite Broadcaster (SKY PefecTV!) under broadcasting law.
■ Program supplier for Cable TV Network, Internet Protocol TV (IPTV), Hotel and Apartments, SKY PerfecTV! Premium Service Hikari.
■ Online shopping, producing and sales of DVD,content operation such as program delivery and sales for VOD.
Number of Employees 43 ( As of April 2017 )
  • Head Office : 17-1 Chayamachi, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka 530-8304 >> MAP
  • Tokyo Branch : 6-6-20 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 >> MAP
Inquiry Customer Center ( Tel.0570-000-302 Operating Hours.10:00hrs - 20:00hrs Open 365 days ) >> The inquiry from the Internet is here
  • *Your phone number and your calls to the Customer Center with inquiries or comments will be recorded and stored for 3 months in order to ensure appropriate response.
  • *From July 25, 2023, the system will be changed to require callers to notify us of their telephone number.
  • *Callers whose phone numbers are blocked will receive voice guidance asking them to notify the number.



Broadcasting business

Consignment broadcasting business (SKYPerfecTV) by Broadcasting Act, CATV bureau in the whole country, and program supply to joint attention facilities in hotel apartment house etc.


GAORA online shop

Management of online shop that sells Related product Program of GAORA and sports related product.


Video and contents business

Each program of GAORA SPORTS effective is used through various media like DVD production and a broadband delivery, etc.



How to view GAORA SPORTS

Please read following reference for your subscription:

Subscription for SKY PerfecTV! and/or SKYPerfecTV!Premium Service.
Purchase the set of dish antenna and tuner applicable to SKY PerfecTV! or SKYPerfecTV!Premium Service service.
The set is available at your nearby consumer electronics shop.
For further information about subscription, contact
SKY PerfecTV! Customer Center (Tel.0120-039-888).

Subscription for CATV
Please ask the local CATV.

Please enjoy the exciting and fascinating GAORA SPORTS!!